Cowl Neck Hoodie Mini Dress Sewing Pattern for Lady Curves

$22.99 $13.79

Tired of struggling to find sewing patterns that perfectly fit your curves? Look no further! The Lady Curves Line of Sewing Patterns is here to revolutionize your sewing experience. New Extended Size Range: Say goodbye to limited sizing options! Lady Curves offers a wide range of sizes, catering to your body shape and size. Introducing the Skimpy Cowl Neck Hoodie Mini Dress Sewing Pattern – your ticket to comfort and style! Elevate your wardrobe with this versatile design that seamlessly blends fashion and skimpy. Our detailed and beginner-friendly video instructions ensure that sewing this mini dress is a breeze. Get ready to unleash your creativity and style with the Skimpy Cowl Neck Hoodie Mini Dress Sewing Pattern. Upgrade your wardrobe and enjoy the satisfaction of crafting your own fashion statement! Purchase the pattern today and start sewing your way to fashion bliss.

  • Includes sizes XL-3X
  • One coverage option, Hoodie mini dress Lady Curves
  • Formatted to print on US letter (8.5 x 11)
  • Test square in US 2 x 2 inch and Metric unit 5.08 cm
  • Pattern is color coded per size so you can make YOUR custom size
This is a DIGITAL product, available for instant download immediately after purchase. Due to the nature of this product, returns, exchanges, and refunds are not permitted.

What You Will Need

  • 1 yard of 4 way stretch fabric 58”- 60” wide / 1 ¾ yards 2 way stretch fabric
  • Matching Thread
  • Regular Home Sewing Machine / zig-zag stitch & straight stitch
  • Optional Overlock Sewing Machine / Cover Stitch Sewing Machine

Pattern Assembly 

  1. Sew the dress hood of (1) with ¼” seam allowance. Leave the open back unsewn to hem later
  2. Pin the center waistline of (1) and (2) together with right sides facing together. Pin the ends of the waistline of (1) about 1″ from the back seam of (2) You are leaving a gap to hem later
  3. Using a serger or straight stitch, sew the back seam of (2) with ¼” seam allowance
  4. Hem the open back raw edges with ½” hem using a zigzag stitch, coverstitch, or whatever stretch stitch you prefer. You will need to manipulate the fabric and change the hem to a 1/4″ hem for the upper skirt seam and the plunging back with the gap (I always thought it was too bulky with all the pieces sewn together at the back seam so I altered it)
  5. Using a stretch stitch; hem the bottom raw edge of the dress with 1/2” hem
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